FastAPI performance optimization

Table of contents

FastAPI JSON response classes

FastAPI supports custom response classes, among them there is support for multiple JSON response implementations. Default is JSONResponse but orjson and ujson are available as well. Both have their benchmark / performance testclaiminig they are the fastest, but worths checking for the given usecase.

Note: FastAPI supports different response classes, but request parsing is done by Starlette where you don’t have control over which JSON implementation to be used

JSON response classes test

Test environment

Baseline measurement

By default, FastAPI uses the base JSON implementation, let’s see the results:

Test attribute Test run 1 Test run 2 Test run 3 Average
Requests per second 9.5 9.11 9.81 9.4733
Time per request [ms] 10521.5 10979.8 10191.4 10564.2


Note: There are some specialities requre attention

Test attribute Test run 1 Test run 2 Test run 3 Average Difference to baseline
Requests per second 9.61 10.07 9.46 9.7133 2.53 %
Time per request [ms] 10401 9928.04 10572.4 10300.5 263.75 ms


Note: Just like orjson this has its own speciality

Test attribute Test run 1 Test run 2 Test run 3 Average Difference to baseline
Requests per second 9.42 9.95 9.19 9.52 0.49 %
Time per request [ms] 10620.7 10047.3 10878 10515.3 48.9 ms


Please note that you can have different JSON response class for each API endpoint as shown in the FastAPI docs:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import UJSONResponse

app = FastAPI()

@app.get("/items/", response_class=UJSONResponse)
async def read_items():
    return [{"item_id": "Foo"}]